Cooking Club

Cooking Club
Delicious and Nutritious!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

My Big Healthy Breakfast - Bubble 'n Squeak

Bubble and Squeak is a traditional British working-class dish - usually made from yesterday's left-overs: mashed potatoes and green vegetables. Food didn't get wasted - it would be re-imagined into the next meal. 
As Cooking Club happens one day a week, we have no our B&S has to be made fresh.
First, we washed, chopped and boiled potatoes. We left their skins on for extra vitamins and minerals.

Put into a large pan, cover with cold water, add a little salt and a few herbs and allow to boil until soft.
Meanwhile, finely chop onions (and a little garlic if you like).

Add to some olive oil to "sweat" in a large frying pan. "Sweating" means heating the onions on a low heat for a long time until they become shiney, see-through, soft and sweetly flavoured,(approx 10 mins)
At this point, still on a low heat, add the greens. We used spinach, but kale, cabbage,cavallo nero, chard are all options.
When the potatoes are soft, remove from the hob and strain away the water. 
Put them in a bowl and drizzle on olive oil (or butter), black pepper and salt to taste. We like to add some grated nutmeg as it goes well with the other flavours.
Mash well.
Add the mash into the frying pan with the onions and greens. Mix them up well together.
Turn up the heat. keep turning and checking it isn't burning. The idea is to get the bubble and squeak brown and crunchy on each side. You will need to turn it regularly.
Thank you to Jeff Crownson for the photos.


Today we made quick and easy pizzas using pitta bread as a base. This is a very accessible way to begin making your own homemade versions. 
You can choose whatever toppings you fancy......Each member of cooking club designed their own bespoke topping selections.
(If you decide to use green leaves like spinach, basil  or rocket - just be sure to add them at the bottom layers otherwise they dry up in the oven.)

Photos by Jeff Crownson.